Up early for this ride to the town of Paarl. It being the month of February, normally one of Cape Town`s hottest months, it was a little bit on the cool side.

Arriving at Damelin there were already members waiting to go riding. At 08h00 I briefed the riders on the venue and the route. This being the short ride of the month the route was simple.

Leaving Damelin we turned right onto the N2 and then took the off ramp to the M5 and over the Koeberg flyover onto the N1.

Riding slowly in the left lane waiting for the back markers to catch up to the front of the group. Once Luderick had started to come past the group to indicate to me that everybody was now in the pack, I increased our speed and moved over into the right lane.

We stayed in the right lane until about 2 kilometres before the turn off to Paarl. At the stop sign/street we turned left into the Main Road towards Paarl CBD. Riding along the main road in the left lane trying to remember exactly where the restaurant is, as it is up on the first floor of the building. Also being aware of other traffic/pedestrians in the immediate vicinity.

I spotted the restaurant and quickly had to look for parking bays as close to the restaurant as possible for all the bikes. Parking found for our bikes, we walked up the flight of stairs to be seated out on the balcony/patio. Hot beverages were ordered and then it was time to order our breakfasts.

John van der Spuy just had a cup of coffee and then left, as he had other family commitments.

Once everybody had eaten their breakfast and paid for their food, we all left.

The owner/manager had stayed inside the restaurant the whole time that we were there. He had left everything for his staff. E.G. Welcoming the clients, taking their orders, serving the food and taking the payments. He seemed to have no interest in the clients or the staff or the financial support.

Various members took different routes home.

Enough said about what happened to me and my motorcycle on the N7.  I have already received my upside-down cloth badge at the May general meeting.

There were 17 members, 1 visitor and 12 bikes.

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This post was written by nomads